- What is looking?
- Who do we look to?
- What is the risk if we do not?
- What is the reward when we do?
- How do I know I am successful in looking?

1) Looking
Looking = searching / seeing / understanding what you see / search for.
Looking = 39 times in the NKJ
1 Kings 7:25, Luke 9:16, Luke 9:62 (Direction, 12 oxen in the temple)
Psalm 119:37 (Looking away from worthless things)
Song of Solomon 2:9 (Looking through the windows, gazing, meditating, connecting in heart and spirit)
Jer.13:16 = desperately searching for light
Daniel 1:4,10 = appearing/how you look
Daniel 4:10, Zach. 4:2, Mark 10:21 = seeing trying to understand, understanding what you see
Matt. 24:50, 2 Peter 3:11-14 = searching /expecting with anticipation
Titus 2:12-14 = searching for
2) Who do we look to?
Jesus = God Son John 1:1,14
Jesus = Our High Priest Heb. 4:14
Jesus = Our Savior John 4:42
Jesus = Our King Matt. 27:11
Jesus = Our Way Maker Isa. 43:16, Exo. 12:40-42
All under point 2 = Author & Finisher of our faith
3) What is the risk if we do not?
- We lose our way: Isaiah 38:14 (Failing to look upward)
- We backslide: 14:14 (Filling your heart with your own things)
- We sink: 14:25-30 (Failing to look to Jesus walking on the water)
- We become bitter: 12:14-16 (Failing to look carefully)
- We open ourselves up for destruction: John 10:9-10 (Failing to enter in by Jesus)
4) What is the reward when we do?
- We become more like Jesus: 1 John 3:2 (Seeing Him as He is)
- We grow in spiritual authority: 12:1-3, Heb. 11:24-26 (Seeing Him grows our faith)
- We manifest the fruit of the spirit: 5:22 (Fruit of the spirit)
- We can stand against the wiles of the enemy and keep our victory: 6:14-18, Heb. 13:6 (Full armor of God)
- We are serve effectively in Gods Kingdom: 6:18-20 (Prayers & utterance)
5) How do I know I am successful in looking?
- Joy overflows: 12:2 (Joy set before Him)
- You are on fire: Luke 24:32 (Hearts burn while Jesus teaches the scriptures)
- You come boldly before the throne of God: 4:16
- You continue the good fight of faith: 1 Tim. 1:18, 2 Tim. 4:7 (Fighting the good fight)
- You will stand in Glory with Christ and you will see Him face as He is 1 John 3:2 (Seeing Him ultimately as He is)
- Lord Jesus help me to keep looking on to You!
- Father let me not lose my reward of looking on to you!
- Father help us to rest secure in knowing that Jesus = Author & Finisher of our faith.
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